Decatur Presbyterian Church of Decatur, AL » Looking Not Only to Your Own Interests

The Apostle Paul writes these words in Philippians 2:4: “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” This command, as it sits in Philippians, is drenched in the almost palpable affection that Paul has for the church at Philippi. Based on the rest of the letter, this command is almost rhetorical–Paul knows that they’ll look to the interests of others, because in his experience with the Philippians that has been their default posture.


We all want to be like Philippian Christians. We all would like for our default posture to be one of sacrificial generosity. None of us will ever embody that perfectly on this side of Glory. And yet, I and our students saw a beautiful example of that this past Sunday at our Pancake Breakfast. 


Your generous donations put a huge dent in the RYM costs of many of our students. This past Sunday, our church family as a whole chose not to look to their own interests (holding onto your dollar bills) but to the interests of others (generously and sacrificially giving so that our students might have an incredible summer retreat experience). We as a youth group cannot thank you all enough for once again exhibiting a sacrificial and generous posture by loving us so well!

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