Decatur Presbyterian Church of Decatur, AL » Session Highlights

On the evening of April 01, your Elders gathered eagerly in order to exercise their vows to govern and shepherd the church, according to the BCO and our gospel-driven mission. The significance of our time spent praying for members, visitors, and special needs, can never be overstated. Another high priority is discussing our initiatives to foster worship, discipleship, and mutual helps among the body.  


The following are just a few other highlights of the Session meeting.


• Membership MattersBlake Temple guided a thoughtful conversation about those currently being received into membership as well as helping a member transfer to another church. Rick Stark gave an update on several who are ready for a membership interview. 

In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Cor.12:13)…  and we are! 
• Ezra Worship Initiative. George Godwin presented this Summer’s plans for the 7 new Ezra Interns (4 girls, 3 guys, plus Sam Kull is returning as Assistant Director)! Along with studying the Theology of Worship, Leadership, Musicianship, and Song Writing, this summer will include travelling to the Dominican Republic, Nashville, Auburn, and the Campus Outreach Summer Conference. 

Sing to Him, sing praises to Him! Glory in His holy name” (Psa.105:2-3)… and we are!

• Shepherding Lists. Rick Stark led the Session through the adjustments to the Shepherding Lists (each active elder is committed to a subset of members and regular visitors for the purpose of care and communication, especially as “1st responders” in time of need. 

Shepherd the flock of God that is among you” (1 Pet.5:2)… and we are!

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